Thursday, October 4, 2012


What does Octsober mean to you? Ive been asking myself this question all this week AND last week, what it means to me.... 
So here goes.
I'm not a big drinker and I don't do drugs...... (if you don't count sugar as a drug) I'm pretty much 90/10-80/20  Paleo. 
So in thinking about this for a bit, cause I had all but thrown it out the door thinking I didn't need to do it, (sober = no drinking, I don't really drink) OK lets just be clear about something my husband and friends tease me, that I NEVER drink. That's not really true. I can enjoy a vodka crystal light drink every now and then. I just don't like how I feel the next day so I almost always just choose not to drink. OK back on topic... 
I had decided I didn't need to do this Octsober Challenge.
Enter Dan Carnahan! Damn you Dan Carnahan! So on Monday after doing Barbara (you crossfitters know what I mean) While I could hardly point to the white board cause my arms felt like they were going to fall off. I somehow got caught up in a conversation about doing it. He quickly pointed out that its not just about not drinking...  We went back and forth and I summed up to him my normal day of eating. "Dan, like I do this whole paleo thing and have for almost two years now, but to stay on track I'm more of a 90/10 - 80/20 girlie." So that the rest of you understand that means I eat Paleo all day and then sometime after dinner I eat a small snack. A cake ball or two. A couple of homemade cookies..... Something along those lines, you get it right? He just looked at me like I had a two heads and said,  "well then this should be easy for you, what can it hurt to try?"
Now lets jump to Monday afternoon. Jacqueline, my good friend and neighbor asked me what I eat on a daily basis. She mentioned to me her sister went Paleo a couple of months ago and has lost 14lbs. She wanted me to write down everything I eat in a day.
I would like to take a break in my writing to say, for anyone who is interested in doing the paleo style of eating you should first read "The Paleo Solution" My husband and I both read it. We both needed to understand why were were changing our way of eating. So I'm a very routine person. I'm like that with myself, my kids and my home. I find something that works and I run with it. I'm not the re-invent the wheel kind of person. So that basically says I have no problem eating my protein applesauce in the morning with a few almonds on the side before heading to the bus stop to drop off my kids. For lunch I love hard boiled eggs a banana and a few more nuts. Or a paleo crunch of some sort. ( I just made a great home made one) Ill list it in my recipes as soon as I make a tab for that..... Dinner my friends is usually an awesome recipe taken from or My two favorite websites for paleo meals, snacks and desserts.  Everyday Paleo is another good one! Dinner always includes a lean meat and either a bunch of veggies either cooked in coconut oil or baked. Or what I like to call "the kitchen sink salad" cause it has every veggie you can think up. I do change it up now and then and eat scrambled eggs in the morning with turkey bacon and a small fruit. If I do eggs in the morning I then will have left over chicken for lunch with a veggie and a few nuts. Then dinner is as I mentioned above. Its not rocket science but I strongly believe you need to understand why you are making the choices you are.
So Rich and I started eating Paleo for a couple of reasons. Ive always been a busy person. Whether it was at work or in my personal life. Rich calls it my busybody mode... I hardly sit. I could go from doing a Olympic triathlon in the morning to coming home, mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, detailing my car inside and out, all the while running 5 loads of laundry. 
Then all of the sudden as I turned 40 I began to feel more tired. I would be mid training season for tri's and I was struggling to get through a workout much less the day. So, I went to the doctor! Something had to be wrong. I had put on weight..... Even though I was training up to 4 hours a day. I was eating what I thought was healthy. Granola, yogurt, etc... So what gives! There had to be something wrong. I remember talking to my best friend Janis and I told her that maybe something was wrong with my thyroid?? Or something worse...
Well,  the doctor couldn't find a single thing wrong with me!! Nothing! He actually said I was one of the healthiest people he has seen according to all the tests they take. I'm like, "but I don't have any energy! I have put on 10 lbs of puff!!" No joke, he looked me straight in the eyes and said welcome to aging. 
Well for those of you who know me, know, and those of you that don't know me, Ill tell ya, that doesn't apply to me. I have always thought of myself as the exception to the rule. I work hard and it pays off.
So that was when we started talking to my brother in law Ryan about going paleo. I have to say I was extremely resistant because I was convinced I needed my carbs for my long workouts. So Rich and I read the book and began Jan of 2010. I have posted some pictures of myself. before and after.. (a little embarrassed to be posting a picture of me in my swimsuit) Rich took that picture as I was walking back to my lounge chair in Palm springs 3 months after starting paleo. The triathlon pictures were taken the summer before we began eating Paleo. I lost 13lbs of puff that I was carrying around and I didn't even realize it had happened. By the way, I never thought I would see my abs after having two almost 10lb babies!  My energy has been completely restored. I'm that crazy can't sit for very long girl! Ive never felt better in my life! My workouts, and I say workouts cause I WOD 3-4 times a week and run the others, are enjoyable and I feel powerful.  Here we are almost two years later and I weigh about the same as I did after we started eating paleo I'm just a lot stronger cause I get to move somewhat heavy weight around at crossfit! I'm getting stronger everyday!

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