"Aint it Nifty Karens 50"
(This is a birthday WOD, Karen turned 50"
50 Wall balls
50 double unders
50 push presses 35/55
50 supermans
50 walking lunges
50 jumping pull ups
50 knees to elbows
50 burpees
50 kettle bell swings 35/53
50 box jumps 20/24
(must complete 50 reps of one exercise before moving on to the next. 50 min time limit)
(for those of you who are reading this and don't do crossfit the numbers behind a movement are the RX weight or height of the box for that movement) RX = prescribed weight.
So I thought it would be fun to have a post of members of our box's crossfit confessions... Yes, I still need to get around to asking folks what theirs are but here is one of mine.
Crossfit Confession numero uno.
If I miss a WOD I wonder all day..... and the next day how I would of done. What would my time have been? What would have been my challenges and what movements would I have kicked ass on?
(don't try to hide that when you hear what the WOD is and its your day off you go in cause you can kick ass!)
You ask, why am I positing one of mine now... Well I can't seem to shake yesterdays WOD out of my brain and how I would of done. I live for these types of WOD's. I love the long ones that involve not only cardio but technique like double unders and rapid fire box jumps, but lifting movements as well. Like push presses and kettle bell swings Those movements are energy sponges.... Kettle bell swings at 35lbs and knees to elbows. That $%-t is hard! Wall balls at 14lbs....hitting the white above the red on the wall is no joke. ( what is that anyway 20 feet?? OK, I know its more like 10 or 14 feet)
Yes, Yes, I check the white board on the website and see what every ones times are, who RX'd the WOD.... Who doesn't check??
So the times ranged anywhere from 20 mins to 50.
My back is feeling much better now, but to be on the safe side Im trying to take a week off.... Its killing me!
This is what Crossfit does to the brain.
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