Take a close look at all these men..... Yes they all are sporting mustaches to help raise awareness for prostate cancer.
This is your last week to enjoy gazing at these handsome men and donate to the cause they have all full heartily supported for the month of November!
As much as I want to be a supportive wife, looking at my husband with that hair on his upper lip has been quite difficult. Who would of thought a little facial hair would make such a big difference in how he looks to me... (lets all be real for a minute, part of the reason we married our men is because we were attracted to them) So needless to say I'm looking forward to Dec 1st. Although Rich threatened to keep it to the end of Dec.... He actually thinks it looks good. Not! I told him if he keeps it till the end of Dec. I get to pluck each and every one of those mustache hairs with tweezers. As you all know I love my husband dearly and I think he is absolutely handsome....... just not as much with a mustache.
I think he believes it looks good because he has had a few people tell him he "looks sexy" or "really handsome" COME ON..... really! What are people gonna say to your face...?
So here are a few men from our Crossfit Box who have joined the cause and raised money! Go to their facebook pages and donate now.
Rich (my husband)
Jer and Leif
Walt and Ryan
Our dog Chewy
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